Sunday, February 26, 2006

Take the time to say "I Love You"

For those of you that know me, you know that I have been in Buffalo, NY for the last week for the death of my father-in-law. Death is always hard, but it reminds us that we are only here for a short time. Whenever dad would get mad at any of us, he would always say "You'll miss me when I'm gone!" before he stormed out of the room. were right, we miss you already!

My oldest son summed it up in his tribute to his grandfather. I couldn't have said it better. He wrote for the world to see "Death is a sad thing to deal with, but we all must remember that it's a part of life and no matter what science comes up with; we are all meant to die and will. We must make the best of the time we have and realize that those we love will not always be there. So take the time to say I love you to those you love. Make sure you don't waste opportunities to visit. Family is the most important part of my life, it comes before anything.
Thank you grandpa for everything... Until we meet again... Goodbye"

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