Monday, August 06, 2007

Day 12 of Ebay 7 Day Suspension

Well Good Morning,

Yes it is day 12 of my 7 day suspension. One of EBays customer service emails had said that these issues would be resolved by August 6th. Well, today is August 6th, so I guess I have to wait until whatever they consider to be the start of their business day. I still have not received any answers to the questions that I submitted to them and then resubmitted after the first time they didn't answer them. In reading all the discussion boards, it is apparent that this has been an ongoing issue with customer service, or rather lack of customer service on eBay's part.

Here's an interesting question. If a department works 24/7, but they don't consider weekends a business day, do the people working there just go in and get paid for not working? EBAY HIRE ME!!! Then again, does hitting reply and sending out a form letter (to speed up the response time) not answering any questions...does that qualify for working? According to some report that I read over the last week (have read hundreds!!!), Meg Whitman (CEO of eBay) makes $1.2M year as her salary. How many people would jump on that job. Gosh, you don't even have to make your customers happy or even attempt to. Your business can be used as a fence for stolen goods and sit back and tell the media....we don't like to get involved.

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